Each morning I review the “hot sheets” from my local MLS here in Charlotte. I’m looking for potential homes for my buyer clients and potential competition for my sellers. The first thing I do is click on the pictures. I never cease to be amazed by the photos some agents provide for their listings – unmade beds, food on the counters, poor lighting, the television on , even the photographer caught in the mirror. (And these aren’t foreclosures, just regular listings). This the first impression that the 88% of potential buyers that shop online for homes will see.
Great photos are key- you could argue the most important part of marketing your home. Moving furniture, clearing counters- there are a lot of easy fixes to make a room look great online. Yes, it takes effort, but in this market agents and sellers have to be willing to do their part to get their home sold.
Here are some before and after shots from one of my SOLD listings. Which looks better- the cluttered kitchen or the clean counters? Does the great room look better with the television blocking the window or placed out of view? If you were the seller of this home, which photos would you want your agent to post on the internet? Yes, price, location, and condition of the home are very important- particularly price in this market- but great photos are an absolute essential if you want to draw buyers to your home. When you are interviewing agents to list your home, be sure to check out their listing photos and hire the agent who will make your home shine online.