One of the really fun aspects of being a real estate agent is getting to tour so many different homes. Opening the front door to a home is a bit like unwrapping a package, sometimes you have an idea of what is inside, and at other times it is a complete surprise. Online photos can give prospective buyers and their agents a preview of the interior, but photos don’t tell the whole story.
You really can’t get a feel for a home until you go inside. Most agents will tell you that homes give off a certain vibe. Many houses feel welcoming the minute you walk in the front door. Others seem a bit stiff, with not a lot of happy memories, some seem sad and neglected, and a few are downright scary.
Maybe it’s the decor, perhaps it’s the staging, but there is definitely something intangible that creates those feelings when you walk into a home for the first time. I can usually tell when my buyer clients have found the right home even before they decide to make an offer. They walk in the front door and it feels like home. When you find that special house, the one that makes you happy and feels right, make the offer.