When Kristen and I consult with clients on preparing their home to go on the market, a big focus is usually on removing the clutter. Almost everyone has some type of clutter in their homes, whether it’s as simple as a pile of magazines to closets bursting with clothes. Many of us know we need to do something, but the task is overwhelming. I might spend a token hour here or there going though my possessions, but soon lose my inspiration. I found this great article on Houzz that discusses different philosophies or methods for clearing clutter.
I particularly like this idea from Mindy Starns Clark, author of The House That Cleans Itself, says: “My technique for clearing clutter is based on the understanding that every possession you own, from the tiniest button to the biggest couch, consumes a piece of your time — time to clean it, store it, move it, fix it, lose it, find it, wash it, wipe it and on and on. The more things we own, the more time we sacrifice to that ownership. Thus, when decluttering, ask yourself, ‘Is this item worth the total time investment that owning it requires?’ If it is, then keep it. If it isn’t, then get rid of it. It’s that simple — unless the item also carries an emotional component.” Check out the full article here: